Source code for google.plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import plotly.graph_objs as go

#: Color scale used by the heat map
HEATMAP_COLORS = ('#e7f0fa', '#c9e2f6', '#95cbee', '#0099dc', '#4ab04a',
                  '#ffd73e', '#eec73a', '#e29421', '#e29421', '#f05336', '#ce472e')
#: Changes how quickly the colors go to the maximum

[docs]def stop(i): """Return the ``i`` th color stop. In color gradients, the point where a defined color is (as opposed to in between the defined colors, where the colors are "graded") is called a "stop". This Python function defines an exponential math function that returns floating point values, in the range of ``0`` to ``1``, that define where the gradient stops should occur. In the :func:`heatmap` function, these values will be used to determine the color of each cell based on the normalized values of the ``z`` parameters. The number of stops is determined by the number of colors defined in :data:`HEATMAP_COLORS`. The math function used is below. In it, ``m = STOP_FACTOR`` and ``n = len(HEATMAP_COLORS)``. .. math:: \\frac{m^{(i/(n - 1))} - 1}{m - 1} :param int i: The current stop number. Must be a value between 0 and ``len(HEATMAP_COLORS) - 1``, i.e. ``[0, n)``. :return: Where the ``i`` th color stop should occur. Will always be a value between 0 and 1. :rtype: float :raise ValueError: When ``i`` isn't between 0 and ``len(HEATMAP_COLORS) -1``. """ if 0 > i or i >= len(HEATMAP_COLORS): raise ValueError return (STOP_FACTOR ** (i / (len(HEATMAP_COLORS) - 1)) - 1) / (STOP_FACTOR - 1)
[docs]def heatmap(x, y, z, title=''): """Create and return a heat map figure object for the given data. :param x: Data for the x-axis. :type x: list or tuple :param y: Data for the y-axis. :type y: list or tuple :param z: Data for the z-axis. :type z: list or tuple :param str title: A title for the figure. :return: The object with the data's graph. With this object you can then call its :meth:`~plotly.graph_objs.Figure.iplot` method to show the graph. :rtype: plotly.graph_objs.Figure """ data = [go.Heatmap(z=z, x=x, y=y, colorscale=[[stop(i), j] for i, j in enumerate(HEATMAP_COLORS)]) ] layout = go.Layout( title=title, xaxis=dict( rangeselector=dict( buttons=list([ dict(count=1, label='1m', step='month', stepmode='backward'), dict(count=6, label='6m', step='month', stepmode='backward'), dict(count=1, label='YTD', step='year', stepmode='todate'), dict(count=1, label='1y', step='year', stepmode='backward'), dict(step='all') ]) ), rangeslider=dict(), type='date' ), yaxis=dict(ticks='') ) return go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)