Source code for common.clr

"""Color text.

Typical usage:

>>> red('red text', False)

Returns the string "red text" where the text will be red and the
background will be the default.

>>> red('red background')

Returns the string "red background" where the text will be the default
color and the background will be red.

import logging
from colorama import init, Back, Fore  # BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE, RESET

__all__ = ['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white']

def _color_it(text, color, bg):
    return getattr(bool(bg) and Back or Fore, color) + str(text) + getattr(bool(bg) and Back or Fore, 'RESET')

[docs]def black(text, background=True): """Set text (or its background) to be black.""" return _color_it(text, 'BLACK', background)
[docs]def red(text, background=True): """Set text (or its background) to be red.""" return _color_it(text, 'RED', background)
[docs]def green(text, background=True): """Set text (or its background) to be green.""" return _color_it(text, 'GREEN', background)
[docs]def yellow(text, background=True): """Set text (or its background) to be yellow.""" return _color_it(text, 'YELLOW', background)
[docs]def blue(text, background=True): """Set text (or its background) to be blue.""" return _color_it(text, 'BLUE', background)
[docs]def magenta(text, background=True): """Set text (or its background) to be magenta.""" return _color_it(text, 'MAGENTA', background)
[docs]def cyan(text, background=True): """Set text (or its background) to be cyan.""" return _color_it(text, 'CYAN', background)
[docs]def white(text, background=True): """Set text (or its background) to be white.""" return _color_it(text, 'WHITE', background)
[docs]def add_color_log_levels(center=False): """Alter log level names to be colored. Levels are colored to have black text and a background colored as follows: - Level 50 (Critical): red - Level 40 (Error): magenta - Level 30 (Warning): yellow - Level 20 (Info): blue - Level 10 (Debug): green - Level 0 (Not Set): white :param bool center: If log text should be centered. When set to `True`, the text will be centered to the width of ``"CRITICAL"``, which is 8 characters. This makes it so the level in the log output always takes up the same number of characters. :rtype: None """ if center: c = 'CRITICAL'.center(8) e = 'ERROR'.center(8) w = 'WARNING'.center(8) i = 'INFO'.center(8) d = 'DEBUG'.center(8) n = 'NOTSET'.center(8) else: c = 'CRITICAL' e = 'ERROR' w = 'WARNING' i = 'INFO' d = 'DEBUG' n = 'NOTSET' logging.addLevelName(50, black(red(c, True))) logging.addLevelName(40, black(magenta(e, True))) logging.addLevelName(30, black(yellow(w, True))) logging.addLevelName(20, black(blue(i, True))) logging.addLevelName(10, black(green(d, True))) logging.addLevelName(0, black(white(n, True)))