clr: Color Text Easily

Color text.

Typical usage:

>>> red('red text', False)

Returns the string “red text” where the text will be red and the background will be the default.

>>> red('red background')

Returns the string “red background” where the text will be the default color and the background will be red.


Alter log level names to be colored.

Levels are colored to have black text and a background colored as follows:

  • Level 50 (Critical): red
  • Level 40 (Error): magenta
  • Level 30 (Warning): yellow
  • Level 20 (Info): blue
  • Level 10 (Debug): green
  • Level 0 (Not Set): white
Parameters:center (bool) – If log text should be centered. When set to True, the text will be centered to the width of "CRITICAL", which is 8 characters. This makes it so the level in the log output always takes up the same number of characters.
Return type:None, background=True)[source]

Set text (or its background) to be black., background=True)[source]

Set text (or its background) to be red., background=True)[source]

Set text (or its background) to be green.

common.clr.yellow(text, background=True)[source]

Set text (or its background) to be yellow., background=True)[source]

Set text (or its background) to be blue.

common.clr.magenta(text, background=True)[source]

Set text (or its background) to be magenta.

common.clr.cyan(text, background=True)[source]

Set text (or its background) to be cyan.

common.clr.white(text, background=True)[source]

Set text (or its background) to be white.